It is impossible to overstate the beauty of our location in the Colorado mountains. With the breathtaking views and abundance of outdoor activities available, people regularly come here from all around the world to get away. With this being the case, we desire to share the blessing that is our location with the broader church. This will be the Summit Retreat Ministry.
It is our belief that retreats serve as an important part of the life God created us to live. Humans were made to live in rhythms of rest and work. God so badly desires for us to rest that He even commanded it – Remember the Sabbath! Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath. He regularly took His disciples on retreats to get away from the busyness of ministry. Ultimately, He won for us both spiritual and physical rest by His redeeming work on the cross. In today’s world that is filled with busyness, rest and retreat is as important as ever.
The Summit Retreat Ministry will enable our Christian brothers and sisters from other places in the country to have an affordable option to come to the Colorado mountains for rest and retreat. These retreats can vary from youth ski retreats and congregational staff retreats to marriage retreats and local mission retreats. As you’ll see below, we have begun to explore the ways that our current and future facilities can be used in this way. We see the Summit Retreat Ministry as a way that Summit Mission Alliance can give to the broader church!